
Set in the Second Phase Offensive of the Korean War, "The Battle at Lake Changjin" tells an epic historical tale: 71 years ago, the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) entered North Korea for battle. Under extreme freezing conditions, the troops on the Eastern Front pursued with fearless spirit and iron will, as they courageously fought the enemy at Lake Changjin (also known as Chosin Reservoir). The battle was a turning point in the Korean War and demonstrated the courage and resolve of the PVA.

The movie is set against the backdrop of the battle of Changjin Lake in the second campaign of the war against the United States and North Korea, and tells a dramatic history: 71 years ago, the Chinese People's Volunteers went to North Korea to fight in the extremely cold and harsh environment, the Eastern Front combat troops with a steel will and courageous fighting spirit all the way to chase and kill the enemy, reversing the battlefield situation, the military and national prestige.